Common Names: Bardana (2),4), Bardane (7), Burdock (2, 3, , 3, 4), Burdock root ( 4, 5), Beggars's buttons ( 3, 4, 5, 7), Burrburr (5), Burrseed (2), Clothburr (2, 3, 5), Cocklebur (2), Cockle-Button (7), Cockold-dock (7), fox's clote ( 5), Grass burdock (2), hardock (2, 5, 7). harebur (2 4, 5), Hill ( 4), Hurrbur (2, 7), Lappa ( 3, 4, 5), Lappa minor ( 3, 4), Lappa Tousntosa ( 4), Niu-ts'ai (8), Niu-p'ang-tzu (8), Pien-ch'ien-niu (8), P'ang-ch'ien-niu (8), Pien-ch'ien-niu (8), Pien-futz\'u (8),Shu-nien (8), Stick-buttons (7), Ta-li-tzu (8), Thorny Burr ( 3, 4, 5), turkey burr (2, 5), Wu-shish (8), Ye-ch\'a-t\'cu (8),
Pollinator Forage forage,N
Nectar 0
Pollen 0
key name Burdock root
Idententifing Character BiennialAsteraceae;
Stem1st year none, 2nd year 2-7ft stout with wide-spreading branches, coarse
Leaveslternate elongated; (coardate-oblong and rhubarb-like), heart-shapedleaves, large and wavy, Rough, fleshy, dentate, peiolate, whitish beneath.
Flowers purple, globular heads with a calyx of imbricated scale (burs orbrackets) with hooked extremities for adhering lightly to objects. Bloom in July and
Fruit Achine, globoidal, 1/2- 1'' broad, Imbricated scale with hooked extremitiesthat adhere to anything, The red is obovate-oblong, angular, slightly curved, one-forth inch longbrownish-gray to black wrinkled seed. One plant may produce 400,000(7).
Taste root and seed Mulsilaginous, sweetish, slimy taste slightly bitter. Leaf andstem bitter.
Odour Slight
Root early simple, fusiform or spindle-shaped, 1/5 - 4/5 '' thick, 10-30 '' long,brownish-gray externally Longitudinally wrinkled, annulate crown (often wte crown (often with a woolly tuft of leafremains). somewhat horny fracture, dark cambium separates the thick outer bark from theyellowish or white porous, and radiate wood, hollow centre or contains white plit-like tissueinside. Powder: light brown.
Distribution Naturalized in North America, from Asia and Europe, along roadsides and in all vacant lots.
Medical Uses
Constituents Inluin 27-45%, up to 12% protein;
Solvents Water, Alcohol;
Contra Indications
Veterinary Same as humans
Non Med It also possesses wholesome nutritive value in the stock when cut before the flower opens, is stripped of the bitter rind, boiled or used in salads (eat raw witor used in salads (eat raw with oil and apple-cider vinegar); it has a delicate flavour of asparagus. Russian's wrapped fish or gaus in leaves and cooked in pit. A fire was made in pit when ground was hot enough they would remove ash and charcoal, wrapped usat placed in hole and covered with hot earth. Roots roasted and used for coffee, Fresh root in soup instead of potatoes (Change water 3 times to remove Medicinal properties), fried as cutlets, and pancakes. Cut vary fine and boiled with apple cider vinegar and Yellow dock with appitionic sour cream, they make a tasty and nutrious jam.
Reference Dr. Neil McKinney< ,The Encyclopedia of Herbs and Herbalism< 11,Dominion Herbal Collage< 11,Norma Myers Course< 11,The Myth and Truth About Genseng< 11