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Styrax benzoin Dryander STYRACACEAE

Common Names: Benzion; Bum Benjamin; Gum Benzoin;

Pollinator Forage

Nectar 0

Pollen 0

key name Benzion

Idententifing Character

StemTree to 7 m tall; with rough, tomentose branches;

LeavesSimple, alternate, smooth above, toemetose beneath, poteoles are rounded striated, tometose, vary short, and channeled, elliptic to orbicular, entire or slightly dentate.

Flowers are on one side, in compound, axillary racemes, nearly the length of the leaves; white, several, in drooping clusters on 2 cm long pedicels, Petals nu

Fruit Is a globose drupe, containing 1 or nuts, angular, concave on one side and convex on the other

Taste sweetish, balsamic, somewhat acrid.



Distribution Native to south-east Asia, especially Sumatra; in mixed forests close to rivers.

Medical Uses Antiseptic Genito-urinary; Bronchitis Chronic, Expectorant Mildly; Skin poltices, plasters, directly in tincture; Mouth wash diluted; Mucous membranes, stimulating;

Constituents Balsamic acids (to 60%) comprising esters of cinnamic (H9H9O2) and Benzoic acids (18%); Benzoresinal; Benzoldehyde; Styrol; Vanillin; and several related substances. The combined actions predominantly antiseptic.

Solvents Alcohol; Caustic potash; ether;



Formulas Formula 119 Cucumber oil sunburn; coolingFormula 120 Night cream

Contra Indications May cause extra load



Wild and cultivated commercially

Harvest he resin is obtained by tapping 7 to 10 year old trees and scraping off the whitish exudation from the bark. Trees can be so treated for up to20 years before they die.

Non Med Preservative, suitable for various pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations; Incense and aromatic products;

History It was first noted by Ibn Batuta fallowing Garcia de Orta?s visit to Sumatra in 1325 to 1349, and he called it Java Frankincense or Laban Jawi in Arabic. The Arabic name was altered to Banjawi, Benzui, Bensoin, and Benjamin over subsequent centuries. The re3sin was imported to Europe fallowing Garcia de Orta?s description of the drug (1563), and in the list of taxes levied at Worms in 1582 it was listed as Asa dulcis (Sweet Asa) - a name retained untill the 1850s. By 1800 the atiseptic properties of Benzoin ahad been fully recognized and both Simple and Compound Tinctures of Benzoin were regularly employed as preservatives in a wide rnge of medicinal and cosmetic preparations, and the resin is still used today in herbal preparations. 1608 Bezoic asid played an important role in the development of chemistry, isolated from resin of Styrax tree. Used in foo, Medicine and Cosmetics.
