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Berberis aquifolium

Common Names: Mahonia aquifolia. Holly-leaved Barberry. Oregon G

Pollinator Forage N,P

Nectar 0

Pollen 4

key name Oregon Grape Root

Idententifing Character It is a quickly-growing shrub about 6 feet high:

StemThe bark is brown on the surface and yellow beneath.

Leavesthe oddly compound leaves have no spine at the base; they are evergreen and shining.

Flowers The flowers grow in terminal racemes, are small and yellowish-green in colour,

Fruit The purple berries are three- to nine-seeded



Root The root is from 1/2 inch in diameter to 3 inches at the base of the stem, odourless, and with a bitter taste


Medical Uses syphilis and impure blood-conditions. It may be used like colombo, berberis, etc., in dyspepsia and chronic mucous complaints. In constipation it is combined with Cascara Sagrada. It improves digestion and absorption. Acne, Amoebas, Arthritis, Bloodshot Eyes, Boils, Candida, Cholera, Conjunctivitis, Debility, Diabetes, Dysentery, Eczema, Edema, Fever, Gallstones, Gastritis, Gastroenteritis, Giardia, Hangovers, Hepatitis, Herpes, Hypothyroid, Jaundice, Kidney Stones, Liver Stagnation, Malaria, Psoriasis, Salmonella, Scrofula, Shigella, Sore Throat, Spleen Enlargement, Staphylococcus, Syphilis

Internal Applications: Tea, Tincture, Capsules.

The antibacterial properties of the alkaloid berbamine have shown activity against Staphyloccus, Streptococcus, Salmonella, Shigella and Eschorichia Coli. It has antimicrobial properties that are especially beneficial for the skin and intestinal tract. It helps to dilate blood vessels and thus lower blood pressure. Mahonia is more effective for chronic liver problems.

opical Uses: Boils, Conjunctivitis, Itchy Skin, Pyorrhea, Sore Throat, Wounds

Topical Applications: Eyewash for infections such as conjunctivitis and bloodshot eyes. Berries made into a gargle for sore throat. Use as a mouthwash or apply directly to gums for pyorrhea. Use as salve or wash for itchy skin, boils and wounds.

Culinary uses: Berries can be cooked, made into jams and syrup, and candied. Berries are edible raw, and the juice is often used as a substitute for lemon juice.

Energetics: Bitter, Cold.

Good for all infections and hot skin conditions, both acute and chronic, including acne, chronic dermatitis, rashes, herpes, itching and scaly conditions such a s eczema and psoriasis. Infectious hepatitis (esp. B), Jaundice, liver stagnation, periodontal disease, liver stagnation, Constipation and indigestion, all infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract especially with discharges. Chronic candid, stimulates thyroid. Used by the Native Americans as an anti-septic and detoxifier. It is used externally to disinfect open wounds, boils, acne, and eczema. Power to ground and promotes security

Constituents The principal constituent is a high proportion of berberin, and there is also oxycanthin. Alkaloids (berberine, berbamine, oxyacanthine), chelidonic acid, resin, tannins. Berries are rich in vitamin C.<


Dosage 10 to 30 drops.



Contra Indications Use only the dried plant, as the fresh root can be excessively purgative and cause nausea. Avoid during pregnancy. Avoid in hyperthyroid conditions.




Non Med

