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Calendula officinalis;

Common Names: Calendula; Chin-chang-hua; Garden Marigold; Marigolds; not related to african or Mexican marigolds; Pot marigold;

Pollinator Forage

Nectar 0

Pollen 0

key name Calendula;

Idententifing Character Annual; Biennial Rarely; COMPOSITAE;

StemBranching, angular to 50 cm;

Leavesoblong or lanceolate, hairy on both

  • LEAVES: oblong or lanceolate, hairy on both surfaces, 5 - 15 cm long;

    Flowers large, ray; solitary;1 1/2-4 in across; pale yellow to deep orange double-flowered (tubular flourets absent), close at night Spring to fall;





    Distribution Mediterranean native; distributed throughout the world as a garden plant.

    Medical Uses

    Constituents Volatile oil; Calendulin; A yellow resin; Saponins; a Bitter principle; All of which aid bile secretion and promote wound healing;





    Contra Indications

    Chinese Obstinate bleeding piles;


    Tolerates any soil in full sun, although prefers loamy. Seed sown early to mid-spring. Generally self sown. Transplants easily;

    Harvest Commercially the flowers and seed are the part harvested. Pick flower heads every 3 to 4 days depending on rate of flower developusnt. Flowers are harvested from just open through to till seeds begin to develop. The petals will begin to turn cylindrical and move in from the edge. Leave these for seed harvest. Seeds are harvested when dry.

    Non Med Yellow dye.; CULINARY: Substitutes for Saffron; May be added to Salads and Omelettes or used to cn; May be added to Salads and Omelettes or used to colour Cheese and Butter; Young leaves added to Salads. Petals used for Tea; COSMETIC: Skin; Hair rinse;

    History This well-known garden plant is probably one of the most useful of all herbs. Valuable as food, medicine, dye, and cosmetics. Known to India, arabic culture then to Grease. In use in europe ever since it arrived in Grease The botanical name comes form the Latin calendula or calends meaning 'throughout the months. Flowers from spring till late fall.

    Reference 1,3,8,25,37