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Achillea millefolium aster family

Common Names: Carpenter's weed; Milfoil; Millefolium; Noble yarr

Pollinator Forage

Nectar 0

Pollen 0

key name Yarrow

Idententifing Character Aromatic perennial

StemSimple; angular; rough, hairy, (The whole plant is hairy with white, silky appressed hairs), erect, 8 -10 cm high grayish-green, branching towards the top.

LeavesFinely - dissected dentated segments (

Flowers Grayish - white or rose - colored, 4 - 6 ray florets (hard, close, or dense, flat -topped and terminal compound clusters or corymbs). April to October


Taste TASTE: Bitter, Astringent and rough, i


Root Horizontal (Creeping rootstock).

Distribution Widespread in temperate zones; native to Europe, on all but the poorest soils.

Medical Uses Yarrow when administered hot and copiously will raise the heat of the body, equalize circulation, and produce perspiration. It opens the pores freely with its relaxing action upon the skin, and it purifies the blood of morbid waste material. Regulates the functions of the liver, especially beneficial in its influence on secretions throughout the entire alimentary canal; It tones the mucous membrane of the stomach and bowels. It is also healing to the glandular system. Yarrow will never weaken a patient because of its tonic action. Ague; Amenorrhea; Anaemia; Appetizer; Bile stimulate flow; Bladder, mucus discharges, inflammation; Bleeding haemorrhoids, lungs, bowels, rectal; infusion of powder; Blood cleaner coughing and spitting of; Blood tonic and prophylactically building; Boils, fomentation, infusion, tincture, fluid-extract; Breath shortness of; Bright's disease; Bronchitis. ; Chicken pox; Colic; Colds. (Infusion); Coronary thrombosis; Cough; Diabetes; Diarrhea, (including infants); Dysentery; Dyspepsia; Enteritis; Eye Achilles used juice as a wash for redness; Fevers, (hot); Fistulas, ointment, poultice or suppository; Flatulence; Gallbladder; Gastric stimulates secretions; Gastritis; Hair falling; Hands chapped, wash/dec; Headache; congestive headache; Hematuria, infusion, fluid extract, tincture, powder; Haemorrhoids, retention enema; Hypertension; Incontinence; Indigestion; Influenza; Intestines false membranes; Jaundice; Lack of appetite; Leucorrhea, internal and douche; Liver; measles, infusion; menstrual excessive flow; menstrual regulates periods; Nervousness; Nipples sore; Perspiration, obstructed, promote; Processes inflamed; Quinine substitute; Respiratory tract acute catarrh;

Rheumatism. ; 'Running of the reins'' in men and discharge of women decoction in white wine; Skin diseases, infusion; Smallpox; sores, dec/wash, poultice or ointment. Stomach gas, sickness, tonic; Styptic externally; Tabes of spinal marrow; TB of the lungs; Throat relaxed; Tonic for run down conditions; Toothache (fresh leaves); Typhoid fever; Ulcers; Urinary organs; Urine suppressed, scanty; Wounds;

Constituents Achillic acid; Achilleine; Volatile oil containing *azulene; Bitter extractive; Essential oil; a Glycoalkaloid, Tannic acid;

Solvents Alcohol; Water;
