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Urtica dioica, Urtica lyollii-lyons,

Common Names: stinging nettle, common stinging nettle, great stinging nettle, common nettle, nettle,

Pollinator Forage

Nectar 0

Pollen 0

key name Stinging Nettle

Idententifing Character








Distribution Nine of thirty species of Urtica, a herbaceous plant or shrub of the Urticaceae family, are found i

Medical Uses The Indians used Nettle as a counter-irritant when in pain, by striking affected parts with the branches. A root decoction was made to bathe rheumatic pains and joint stiffness. Pounded leaves rubbed on limbs, and hot poultices of the bruised leaves were also used to dress rheumatic discomfort. Nettle is an excellent styptic, checking the flow of blood from the surface almost immediately upon application of the powdered root or leaves softened and bruised. (If the fresh leaves are left on too long they will encourage water blisters.) For spitting of blood and all haemorrhages of the lungs, stomach and urinary organ, this is one of the most powerful agents in the vegetable materia medica. Dr. George P. Wood, M.D., and Dr. E. H. Ruddock, M.D., ''Vitalogy'' (1925) relay the following: ''For haemorrhages the express juice of the fresh leaves is regarded as more effective than the decoction, given in teaspoonful doses every hour or as often as the nature of the case requires.'' In decoction, Nettle is valuable in diarrhoea, dysentery, piles, neuralgia, gravel, inflammation of the kidney. Tea made from the young or dried root is of great help in dropsy of the first stages. A herbal Nettle tea will expel phlegm from the lungs and stomach and will clean the urinary canal. The seeds are used in coughs and shortness of breath.J. Kloss, in ''Back to Eden'', says: ''Use nettle simmered for 30 minutes and massage into the scalp after rinsing the hair to bring back the natural colour.'' For those suffering from rheumatism, without any relief, rub or stick the troubled part with fresh nettles for a few minutes daily. The relief of joint pain will often surrender to a few moments of unpleasant stinging. Krapiva (Nettle) grows everywhere in Russia. After 300 years modern science has established and gives credit to one of the secrets of Nettle as an antiseptic.

Constituents formic acid acetylcholine, histamine,


Dosage Of the decoction, from 2~ fl. oz. Of the powdered root or leaves, 20-40 grains.



Contra Indications



Grows wild in moist areas stream banks, Gardens around cow barns etc,

Harvest Food plants are harvested at a vary young stage so the stem is soft. leaves can be harvested any time before flowering. The number of leaves do not increase significantly in number as the plant grows the size of the leave do grow as dose the stem and the length of the stem. The level formic acid is also increased. This is good if you are harvesting to make a tincture for arthritis.

Non Med Stem for fibre vary soft and strong. fibre in use since the Brons age, Used by Germons in the 1 world war as a replacement for cotton.

History This herb as been in constant use since before the Bronze age. Used for food, medicine fibre and dyes.

Reference 25